Why Land Conservation is Important →
Branch Hill, Milton Mills, NH
Land conservation is vital to foxhunting. It is a central tenant of both the MFHA and the Wentworth Hunt Club. Throughout the year, we work closely with various conservation groups to help preserve open land for equestrian and foxhunting use. The majority of our territories leverage conservation easements from land trusts and conservation organizations. Without their work, our hunt would cease to have open land over which to follow hounds. Conservation is vital to the future of not just Wentworth Hunt, but foxhunting in general.
We continue to work with and donate to the following land trusts and conservation groups:
- Bear-Paw Regional Greenways
- Moose Mountains Regional Greenways (MMRG)
- Society for the Protection of NH Forests (SPNHF)
- Southeast Land Trust of New Hampshire (SELTNH)
Conservation Hunter Pace at Fine Nest Farm, Raymond, NH
Every year, Wentworth Hunt hosts a Conservation Hunter Pace in August, devoting part of the proceeds to conservation groups.
Our members have donated their time at fund-raising events, such as MMRG’s annual “Woods, Water & Wildlife Festival” and the “Explore Powder Major” community event, hosted by SPNHF, in October 2016.
Click here to learn about SPNHF’s Powder Major’s Farm conservation effort.
Hunt members helped cleanup the historic cemetery on Powder Major’s Farm where local Revolutionary War patriot “Powder Major” John Demeritt is buried.
Click here to learn more about the New Hampshire Horse Council.
Additionally, we work closely with the New Hampshire Horse Council to collectively work to keep land open and be good stewards of the conservation land so equestrian use will be allowed.
Tuckaway Farm, Lee, NH
As you look for charitable contribution options, please consider donating to the land conservation groups listed at the top of this page. Land conservation groups have helped protect many of the farms and forests that are near and dear to the heart of all of Wentworth Hunt.
Please read the following article about the efforts of SPNHF and the very generous donations which has help preserve Tuckaway Farm, the location of our kennels:
Forest Society Purchases Conservation Easement on Tuckaway Farm
Thank you!