Hunt Ball and Silent Auction →
(Photo courtesy of Jim Mertz, Suddenly Still Photography)
Wentworth Hunt hosts many different riding and social events each year. We endeavor to provide fun activities and learning opportunities for riders of all abilities and experiences. Our goal is to offer events and activities that introduce riders to our club, to our super-nice members, and to the joys of fox hunting.
Learn about our events, clinics, hunts, and other activities by:
- Subscribing to our Mailing List (on the sidebar ➔)
- Following us on Facebook
- Reviewing our Calendar here on our fabulous website
Click here to learn more about our hunter paces.
Wentworth Hunt hosts up to three hunter paces each year: Our Spring Pace in June, our Conservation Pace in August, and our Fall Foliage Pace in October. Hunter paces are a great way to ride Wentworth Hunt territories at your own pace with up to five of our friends to see how wonderful riding out can be.
To learn more about our clinics, please click here.
In the spring and summer months, Wentworth Hunt offers a variety of clinics to help build rider knowledge and confidence riding out with hounds in a hunt field.
Click here to learn more about our Hunt Ball and Silent Auction.
Every year, Wentworth celebrates the end of our season with a Hunt Ball. Dinner, dancing, and our silent auction are all on offer at the ball. This is a wonderful time to relax and celebrate our hunt season. And we promise you will find some great gift items on offer at the silent auction. Please join us!
(Photo courtesy of Myra Hudson Photography)
Click here to learn more about the New England Hunter Trials.
Wentworth Hunt participates in the New England Hunter Trials every fall. This is an event open to all riders; participants do not need to be affiliated with a hunt to ride this event. Hunter trials have similar on-course questions as the cross-country phase of an event. While this is a competition, the camaraderie is more reminiscent of hunting, including a very bountiful tea (aka, lunch) after the competition.
Click here to learn more about the hound shows and to see the result of the 2023 hound shows.
The Wentworth Hunt hounds participate in hound shows in the spring. Hound shows provide an opportunity for a huntsman to demonstrate the quality and merits of her hounds. Hound shows are also a time for a huntsman to evaluate the hounds of other hunts and consider if there are traits she would like to introduce to her kennel’s gene pool.
Hound shows are also social, with opportunities for huntsmen, masters, hunt members, and attendees to talk about hounds and the sport of foxhunting.