(Photo courtesy of Jim Mertz, Suddenly Still Photography)
Wentworth Hunt is proud to have a reputation as a very welcoming hunt. We are happy to have new riders join us! Experienced members are always available to help new riders, providing encouragement or assistance as needed to ensure new riders enjoy a fun and safe hunt.
Click here to learn about membership.
Wentworth Hunt has membership options to suit everyone.
Click here to learn about capping.
Guests, also known as “Cappers”, are welcome to join us for up to five fall hunts, informal or formal seasons, and for all spring roadings.
Questions or Concerns? Contact us!
Our Secretary, Joint Masters, and Executive Board are happy to answer any question you may have.
(Photo courtesy of Jim Mertz, Suddenly Still Photography)
“Foxhunting provides those fleeting moments of total abandonment — of wind-in-your-hair, bugs-in-your-teeth kind of living.”
Excerpt from the book “Whipper-in”, by Dennis J. Foster
Click here to learn about foxhunting with Wentworth Hunt.
Foxhunting is a joyous, wonderful sport that combines the best of riding, fun, friendship, and the great outdoors. If you are interesting in joining us but are unsure what to expect, or you have joined us but want to learn more, please watch our webinar, check out the information about courtesy in the fields, and learn about etiquette, attire, and safety in the field.
(Photo courtesy of Jim Mertz, Suddenly Still Photography)
Click here to learn about our hunt seasons.
We have three hunt seasons: Spring Roading mid-May through mid-June, Informal Fall Seasons mid-August through September, and our wonderful Fall Formal Season October through November.
See our Calendar for hunt dates and locations.
We hunt on Wednesdays and Saturdays at various locations around the New Hampshire seacoast and southern Maine.
Click here to learn about our territories.
We hunt at many locations in New Hampshire and Maine, each boasting it’s own special beauty and charm. Many are restricted to public access; hunting with us is your ticket to ride some of the best territories in NH and ME!
Photo of Jim Mertz and Friends volunteering
(yes, even this counts as volunteering!)
Suddenly Still Photography
Click here to learn more about Wentworth Hunt’s volunteer activities.
Wentworth Hunt is an ALL Volunteer hunt. Members are expected to get involved with hunt activities and volunteer to help with hunt related activities such as fund raisers, hunter paces, territory preparation, and hound walking.
There are many different ways in which to get involved. It is truly a very rewarding part of being a hunt member, and helps you to get the most out of your membership.
Come join us! Whether you have an hour or all day, we appreciate any and all help!