Hunt Seasons

Spring Roading →

Fall Informal Season →

Fall Formal Season →

Learn More About Hunting With Us →

Three Hunt Seasons
(Photo courtesy of Jim Mertz, Suddenly Still Photography)

Wentworth Hunt has three seasons:

During our hunt seasons, we hunt on Wednesdays and Saturdays, rain or shine. Huntsman and hounds set off at 10:00 am. We ask all riders to be mounted and ready for the pre-hunt mounted meeting at 9:45.

Click here for our online Calendar.
Our hunt dates and locations are posted on our online calendar. In the event of venue change or cancellation of a hunt due to severe weather or other factors, information will be posted on the front page of this website, and emailed to members no later than 6:00 am on hunt day.

Click here to learn about our hunt territories.
We hunt at various locations in New Hampshire and southern Maine. Each territory has its own special charm but all are considered great foxhunting territory by our hunt members.

Click here to join us as a guest or member!
We happily welcome guests (aka cappers) and new members to our spring roading and fall foxhunting. Come see why we have a reputation as a very friendly and fun hunt! If you and/or your horse would like a steady-eddie companion during the hunt, we have members who, along with their horses, will ride with you and be a calm and unflappable influence. Give it a try – you’ll be glad you did!

Spring Roading
(Photo courtesy of Jim Mertz, Suddenly Still Photography)

Spring Roading begins on in mid-May traditionally at our kennels at Tuckaway Farm and continues through mid-June.

Spring roading is the first time in the year our Hunt Staff exercises our hounds from horseback. We ride for 60 to 90 minutes at a walk/trot pace with no lines laid. The goal of roading is to get hounds into hunting fitness and is particularly important for the young entry.

Spring Roading is a great time to introduce yourself and your horse to hunting! We ride hunt territory with staff and hounds, so you and your horse will experience hunting in a slower, more relaxed environment.

There is no capping limit for guests (capping is limited to 3 hunts during fall seasons), and roading does not count towards hunt limits for Associate Members. You may join us as often as you like!

Click here to learn about the attire we wear during Spring Roading.
We dress informally during Spring Roading. Please review our information on informal attire before you go shopping. You probably already own what you need!

Fall Informal
(Photo courtesy of Jim Mertz, Suddenly Still Photography)

Fall Informal Season, mid August through September, immediately precedes our Formal Season. Younger hounds are just starting their hunting careers, learning to follow a scent and work with the other hounds, and the veteran hounds are getting back into the swing of things.

Fall Informal Season is a great time to join our hunt. The weather is fine and everyone is excited to get back into foxhunting.

Click here to learn about the attire worn during Fall Informal Season.
During informal season, the dress is more relaxed and weather-dependent, from polo shirts and ratcatchers on warm mornings to vests and tweed hacking jackets on cooler days. While you are probably not surprised that we dress informally during Fall Informal Season, you may be surprised to discover that a trip to the tack shop is not necessary! Please review our information on informal attire as you may already own what you need!

Fall Formal
(Photo courtesy of Jim Mertz, Suddenly Still Photography)

Fall Formal Season, October and November, is the time of year when foxhunting is at its peak. Our hounds should now be hunting well and horses are fit and ready, having been through their fall pre-season.

Our Fall Formal Seasons begins with the Blessing of the Hounds on the first Saturday of October. The blessing of hunting hounds is an ancient practice that today features traditions and rituals developed over the centuries. After the hounds, horses, foxes, foxhunters, and landowners have been blessed, the hunt begins. Please join us for this celebratory day and for many of our fall hunts when riding in New England is finest!

Fall Formal seasons culminates with our Die Hard Hunt the Wednesday before Thanksgiving followed by our Die Harder Hunt the Saturday after Thanksgiving. These are always celebratory hunts and we hope you will join us!

Click here to learn more about the attire we wear during Fall Formal Season.
During Fall Formal Season, we dress formally in respect of our beloved hounds, our hard working huntsman and staff, and our generous landowners. We wear conservative coats of black or very dark navy or green (except our masters and staff in red) and subdued colored breeches. Conservative colors show our horses to their best advantage and more importantly, does not draw attention away from our glorious hounds. It’s their day, after all!

Click here to learn about joining us as a guest (aka capping) or becoming a member.
We happily welcome new members and guests to our hunts. Come see why Wentworth Hunt has a well deserved reputation as a friendly and fun hunt. We hope to see you riding with us soon!

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