Hunt Fields

Wentworth offers three ways to enjoy a foxhunt:

Providing three fields allows riders and horses of varying abilities and experiences to join our hunt and enjoy a safe and fun ride.

New to Hunting?
If you are new to hunting, or your horse is young or green, please be sure you are able to safely walk, trot, canter and halt your horse before attending a hunt. We recommend that new riders start in Hilltop for their first hunt.

Need a Calm and Relaxed Friend?
If you and/or your horse would like a steady-eddie companion to ride with you during the hunt, we have members who, along with their horses, will be happy to provide a calm and unflappable influence. Give it a try – you’ll be glad you did!

Want to Switch Fields During the Hunt?
There are several times during the hunt when all fields stop together for a check of hounds, horses, and riders. If you wish to change fields, you may do so at the checks by asking your current Field Master and the Master of the field you wish to join.

During the hunt, if your horse is difficult to control and you need to drop back or retire, please request permission from your Field Master. If you need an escort (as is true of many horses who do not want to leave their new friends), a member will be happy to assist you.

Learn About Our Territories
Click here to see a description of each of our territories.
You may want to learn about our territories and pick one that will be the best first hunt for you and your horse. For example, during hunts at some of our territories, we circle back to the trailers. These are excellent hunts for new riders who are not sure their horse can participate in the full hunt.

Join Us!
Click here to learn about joining us as a guest (aka capping) or becoming a member.
Come join us for a hunt (or five!). You may join us as a guest up to 5 times! Come see why Wentworth Hunt has a well deserved reputation as a friendly and fun hunt. We hope to see you riding with us soon!

First Field
(Photo courtesy of Jim Mertz, Suddenly Still Photography)

First Field keeps up with the hounds and as such, the pace ranges from walk to trot, canter, and gallop. First Field riders take every fence and cover the ground at the speed of the hounds.

Riding in First Field is incredibly exciting, and requires skill and confidence. You are riding close to our precious hounds so having great control over you mighty steed is imperative. This is where the most experienced horses and riders hunt.

Second Field
(Photo courtesy of Jim Mertz, Suddenly Still Photography)

Second field is next. Second Field keeps First Field in sight and is able to see the hounds work through most of the hunt. The leader of Second Field may decide to slow the pace over questionable footing for the safety of horses and riders, but will compensate with increased pace in order to keep First Field and the hounds in sight.

Riders in Second Field have the option of jumping or gapping (going around) fences. All riders should be confident in the walk, trot, canter and (occasional) gallop, and should be able to reliably adjust pace and stop (always important!).


Hilltop endeavors to keep Second Field in sight while enjoying a slower pace. Each Hilltop field is led with the capabilities of the current day’s horses and riders firmly in mind. This field is perfect for riders new to hunting, green or young horses, or riders who prefer a more leisurely hunt.

Riders are expected to be able to walk and trot, with canter as an option only if all riders and horses are willing on that day. There is no jumping in Hilltop.

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