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Foxhunting Etiquette
(Photo courtesy of Jim Mertz, Suddenly Still Photography)

Our etiquette rules during the hunt are intended to ensure a safe and enjoyable ride for all members, guests and especially our beloved hounds. While riding with working hounds has particular rules, the rules for riding out with others are the same as for all equestrian sports.

Click here to access our educational resources.
If you are new to foxhunting or if you want to learn more about this wonderful sport, we have the information you seek. We recommend you being with our webinar presented by our board members and staff.

Contact us with questions.
Our masters and board members are happy to answer any of your questions or concerns.

Courtesy in the Field
(Photo courtesy of Jim Mertz, Suddenly Still Photography)

Please be respectful of other riders. Reckless riding is dangerous to hounds, horses, and people, and is grounds for dismissal.

Experienced riders must lead the Fields. If you are gapping (or riding around) some or all jumps, please ride at the back of Second Field.

Wentworth Hunt rides in single file. You should keep a two-horse length between you and the horse in front of you at al times. Never gap a jump while another rider is jumping it. Never jump a jump while another rider is gapping it.

As in all equestrian sports, do not reprimand your horse near another horse.

If your horse may kick, tie a red ribbon to your horse’s tail and ride at the back of the Field.

Respecting Hounds and Staff
(Photo courtesy of Jim Mertz, Suddenly Still Photography)

Be aware of staff and hounds. They are working and deserve your consideration and respect. Turn your horse to staff or hounds if they are near you while hunting or if staff calls: “Staff, please.” Please stay away from hounds and staff during the pre-hunt meeting, checks and stirrup cup. Do not talk to the hounds at any time. Only staff may talk to or give directions to the hounds.

Ride quietly at all times. Do not speak or call out while hunting as it is distracting to the hounds. You may alert the rider behind you of trail issues by quietly saying for example, “ware hole” or “ware footing”, and you may alert the rider in front of you of a passing hound or staff by quietly saying “ware hound” or “ware staff”.

Enjoy the Ride
(Photo courtesy of Jim Mertz, Suddenly Still Photography)

Feel free to talk, laugh, and discuss the ride during checks and at stirrup cup.

At the end of hunt, thank your land owners without whose generosity there would be no Foxhunting. Thank your Huntsman Rachel, your Masters of Foxhounds Sue, Linda, and Fred, your Field Master, and your hard working Staff and Foxes. They worked long hours for your enjoyment.

Click here to join us as a member or guest.
The Wentworth Hunt hopes that you have a great day hunting with us!

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